Liver Disease

Study: 3 Alcoholic Beverages A Day Increase Liver Cancer Risk

Researchers from the World Cancer Research Fund International’s Continuous Update Project (CUP) found significant evidence linking liver cancer onset to the daily consumption of 3 alcoholic beverages.

The recent report from CUP is the most comprehensive review of global research on the associations between weight, diet, physical activity, and liver cancer.

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“Around three or more drinks per day can be enough to cause liver cancer. Until now we were uncertain about the amount of alcohol likely to lead to liver cancer. But the research reviewed in this report is strong enough, for the first time, to be more specific about this,” said Amanda McLean, the director of World Cancer Research Fund UK.

During the analysis, 34 studies were evaluated and 24,500 patients were identified with liver cancer in a research that covered 8.2 million people.

Further research also discovered evidence suggesting that that overweight and obesity is associated with increased risk of liver cancer, while drinking coffee could significantly reduce the risk.

“The new findings around alcohol, obesity and coffee are particularly interesting.  There are also interesting new suggestions relating to exercise and fish,” said Kate Allen, PhD, executive director of science and public affairs at World Cancer Research Fund.

The CUP researchers hope the recent findings will spark policy responses and further add information to the debate on these public health implications.

-Michelle Canales Butcher


World Cancer Research Fund. Three alcoholic drinks a day can cause liver cancer, new research finds. March 25, 2015. Accessed March 31, 2015.